A new trend for ranking your website in search engines is your reputation, relevancy and authority on various social networks. If you do not have any type of connection on social networks, you are not taking advantage of what is quickly becoming one of the most important factors in determining whether or not your site is showing up in search engine results.
There are a number of different types of buttons for social media available from the different networks, but they all follow the same, basic ideas.
Direct Links
There are some buttons that are direct links to your social presence, which are good for a number of reasons, but they do not do anything to help and improve your search ranking for your website and may take your visitor from the location where you would like them to stay.
Recommend Buttons
Another option is the recommend buttons, such as the Google +1s “Recommend” and the Facebook “Like” buttons. This will not require any additional action other than a simple click and maybe a comment. These buttons will not take your site visitors from your page and they are good to add someplace on the website’s homepage. The visitors who typically use these buttons do not always have to have an account related to the button that is clicked; however, they typically do.
Share Buttons
The last category of social media buttons that can be used on your website is the “Share” buttons. These will allow the visitor to actually leave a comment on whatever they are looking at, and then share it on their personal network. In terms of SEO these are the most useful options, since they will be recognized by search engines as a backlink to your site and as an authoritative and honest opinion.
Get the Word Out
It can be a good idea to use each of the options for the social networks that you are present on. This can improve the profile for your website in searches, but also help you to gain word-of-mouth benefits, which will likely lead to more customers.
However, there is another aspect of integrating social media networks that can work wonders and that is to have your very own social accounts and use them for promoting articles, services and products right on your website. If you are interested in this, talking with a Sacramento website design professional may be beneficial.